Procedure of Exam Application of Ayurveda license in UAE

  • by Admin
  • Ayurveda, MOH, UAE, apply

The whole procedure of application can take up to a three to four months time and so it will be better to start the application procedure at least three months in advance of your preferred date of examination. The candidates have to bear the travel and other expenses for the trip and also make their own arrangements for their visa.

Further clarification about all these please do message us.

Required Documents »
Eligiblity for appearance »

Once the above documents are ready, you can contact us and get your registration done.

Maximum number of seats for each cycle of TCAM examination would be 150 persons.

Those who had failed the previous exam can request for new dates online once the dates have been fixed by the authority. Do check for your mail frequently and also login to your account frequently.

Maximum number of attempts : 3 (after 3 attempts you will have to wait for 2 years for next attempt)

Usually 4-5 exams are conducted per year.
You have only 3 chances to win/attend
80-90% marks in theory is necessary for in attending the interview

Note on Incomplete applications:
"Incomplete" files are those applications that have one or more of missing documents such as: required attestation, relevant experience certificates, passport copy, etc.

Certificate attestation & Submission
Your degree certificate should be attested by embassy of UAE in your country . For this you have to send: Internship certificate, degree certificate, final year mark list, registration certificate ( medical council) and Transcript ( obtained from the university in which you have got BHMS or equivalent certificate ) through an approved Travel agency or directly.

Minimum time required for this : 10-18 days

Once the attestation is over, upload all the cerifcates online and wait for the Dataflow verification. All your certificates including experience cretificates will be verified through dataflow. Your experience must not be older than 6month.

Once the verification is over you will recieve mail for further procedue.
Make you see payment request, make payment and select the dates for your exam.

Select your preferred date, arrange Visa, flight ticket, accommodation etc at your own risk and expense.

For any more information required please comment below.

sivaprasad commented:

i want ho some qustion bank for old one of old yaers

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